My Personal Notes and Worked Exercises from math books.

W.W. Sawyer's A First Look at Numerical Functional Analysis

Steven Vajda's Mathematical Programming Note that programming here means more like optimization of resources

My Personal Notes and Worked Exercises from physics books.

Wakatani's Stellarators and Heliotrons (unfinished draft)

Helander's Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas

Hazeltine and Meiss's Plasma Confinement Exercises (unfinished), Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 7, or all together as an archive

My Solutions to Graduate Problems in Physics

Useful Physics and Math Relations and Proofs

(Personally) Interesting Physics Problems

Ways of Generating New Differential Equations and Solutions from known Differential Equation Solutions

Proofs of Useful Relations for Physicists (includes Coordinate Conversions)

Jackson Problem 5.25, Mutual inductance of two circular coaxial rings

Books Produced or Edited

My personal plasma physics dictionary

Magnetic Fusion Plasma Physics Primer version 2_1

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